Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Winter Edition of the Farmers Market

The Winter Edition of the Farmers Market Forum, the quarterly newsletter of the Farmers Market Federation of NY, is now available on the web.

The link to the Winter 2011 Farmers Market Forum is  

Please feel free to make copies to distribute to the farmers and vendors in your market or direct anyone interested to the website to enroll in the email announcement of the newsletter.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Year is Winding Down...

As we approach the year end holiday season, we think of what has happened over the last year. Was it good? Was it eventful? Did you learn something new? What are you taking with you into the new year? Is 2012 going to become even better for you? Some people suggest that you don't even bother making New Year resolutions. I think that is a better way to look at it. Why disappoint yourself in the long run? Most of us cannot keep the usual ones we make; eat better, slow down, exercise more and so on. So why say it?

Why not create a more healthy outlook for yourself instead? Maybe you could set one or two mini goals to reach. When you reach them, then set a couple more and this way it is more realistic and less disappointing. That's just my opinion of course.

My mini goal will to be just get myself out in the public's eye more. Introduce myself. I think that is a good starting point for myself as my  new publication comes to fruition soon. It only makes sense to me. Send in your mini goals and we can publish your ideas online. Until then, Happy New Year!

Editor-in Chief,
Shelley D. Brienza

Sunday, December 11, 2011


"HOLIDAY" — Originally from Old English 'HOLY DAY' 

We are in the process of laying out the magazine now. Finally, we will have something in hand to show. The New Year should bring in some new memories. 

We know the power of the positive can give you an upbeat attitude and boost your spirits. Research showed in 2009 by the American Heart Association that women who expected good rather than bad lived longer. They were less likely to develop heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure or diabetes. Another study showed that what people thought was a bright outlook didn't just affect performance but the immune system as well. That means that increasing optimism and, conversely, decreasing pessimism has the potential to affect day - to - day interactions as well as general health and welfare. Those rose-colored glasses don't look so bad anymore, do they?

So smile! The holidays are coming and do something good for yourself, become your own gift of health!