Friday, September 28, 2012

Just a Mix of Good Information

Greener Cleaning

You can make your own line of green products at home. Combine equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle, or mix up a paste of baking soda and water to scrub stains off surfaces like counter tops. Give windows a streak-free shine with 1 cup rubbing alcohol mixed with 1 tablespoon vinegar. Always test your cleaners to make sure they don't scratch or damage surfaces.
Reader suggestion:
Catherine Traiforou Vlasto Add a few drops of Lemon essential oil and it smells and cleans even better! Good topic, thanks for posting!
Quick tip: put your plastic wrap in the freezer to be able to tear the sheet off easily and not fight with unsticking it. Just remember to put it back in the freezer when done! No more fighting with the plastic wrap!
What is the best natural relief for a very sore throat. I gargled with warm salt water, drank hot tea, ate ice cream and am drinking a lot of water.
Reader suggestions:
Merry Dunn Brown I Googled it once and made a mixture of honey and lemon. I'm not sure if there were any other ingredients. I bought natural cough medicine at the co-op for my small granddaughter. It worked great. They might have something for you.
Eileen Konieczny Trahan Hot tea with lemon and honey...keep gargling with warm salt water.
Katherine Zajaceskowski Tylutki Drinking three cups of black tea every morning and taking Day Quill and drinking Airborne usually helps too.
Tara Flanger Caraco I would stick to the ice cream.
Teri Fernandez-Mitchell When I feel I'm getting under the weather or already are, I buy some acai juice. sambazon brand is great because its organic but there is also a Genesis today brand that is great because its loaded with vitamin c and b vitamins...anyway a couple of glasses of that I swear I'm at least 60 percent better the next day and completely better in a few days. I recommend this remedy to everyone! But try the acai juice it really works, warning's a bit pricey.
Lisa Ann .I use honey and lemon, but health food store has slippery elm cough drops that work well too!
Karen Dwyer-Smith Gargle with hot water mixed with 1/4 tsp turmeric powder & a pinch of salt.
I read a great way to keep cucumbers fresh longer is to have a plastic “lettuce keeper” that keeps your lettuce fresh, is to buy another one and you can place up to six cucumbers in it. Amazingly, they didn’t get soft spots and stayed fresh and crisp for almost 2 weeks, just like the lettuce keeps.
A little sprinkle of garlic powder on dog food is good for their health and is supposed to ward off fleas. Garlic can keep pests out of the garden, whether as a companion plant or juiced and used as a spray.
Reader Suggestion:
Heidi Pangratis Ingested garlic is also used to ward off pests on humans. I eat a lot of garlic and never get bit while hiking, camping etc!!

Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state. In fact, we all go in and out of a light state of hypnosis throughout the day without even being aware of it. For example, every morning when we wake up and every night when we fall asleep we naturally pass through a state of hypnosis. Maybe you can relate to a Sunday morning when you didn't have to be anywhere in particular. You had woken up, but you weren't wide awake yet. . . . . .you weren't asleep anymore either. You were just resting in that very pleasant in between state. And in that state you could hear a phone ringing, or a dog barking, but you were just so relaxed - you didn't respond to any of it. You could have if you wanted to, but instead
you chose to just hang out in that very pleasant, relaxed hypnotic state.

That is an example of a light state of hypnosis. With the self hypnosis weight loss course I am taking, it all feels natural to me. I've lost 3 lbs so far and they suggest one pound a week to keep it off permanently. My thinking has changed surprisingly in a positive way to the point I want to walk for exercise at least once a week every week, whereas before I couldn't ever commit to that. I am eating more vegetables and fruits. It's like I am making a point to do that now. I've got 5 more weeks of class to go so I will keep you posted on my progress. I would have to say I do recommend this to anyone. It cannot hurt. I lost a total of 13 lbs.

What positive mantra can you share with me today?
Readers Say:
FultonCounty Living Just keep falling forward
Intuitive Medium Deborah "Just keep swimming'.. (said by the "Dory fish in "Finding Nemo' 
Moisten baking soda with a few drops of liquid dish soap and use to cut heavy grease build up.
Add vinegar to your dishwasher in place of a rinse agent to reduce residue and water spots.

Combine 1 part vinegar with 4 parts water; boil in microwave to soften stubborn splatters within, then use a rag to wipe off.

Use it straight to disinfect wooden cutting boards. Worth a money
 Add baking soda to the bottom of the dishwasher to absorb lingering food odors.
 Spruce up silverware by rubbing with a paste of 1 part water to 3 parts baking soda. Rinse well.
Share with me all your tips for well being of the mind, body and spirit or soul. Let's empower each other with healthy lifestyle choices. Enjoy!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm enjoying learning new things...

I've been taking several online courses recently. I am enjoying them very much and am amazed at the results I have gotten thus far.

I'm taking or have taken:

~33 Days to Divine Awakening by Sara Wiseman
~Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days by Sara Wiseman
~Empower Yourself Through Creativity by Shelley Klammer
~Learn to Trust Your Intuition by Steffany Barton, RN
~Manifest Your Soulmate by Arielle Ford
~Permanent Weight Loss with Self-Hypnosis by Rena Greenberg
~The Intuitive Path: 8 Weeks to Awakening by Sara Wiseman
~Write Your Way to Forgiveness and Peace by Dr. Sherry Reiter, LCSW, PTR-M/S, RDT-BCT

Each of these courses has helped me to open up to the Divine. Each helps me learn about myself. My goal is to become the best I can be to help others.


Author and intuitive Sara Wiseman experienced a spiritual awakening when she unexpectedly received spiritual teachings, which began "the purpose of life is soul growth." She is the author of Writing the Divine, Your Psychic Child, and Becoming Your Best Self (2012). An award-winning singer/songwriter, she has produced four music CDs with her band Martyrs of Sound. She is columnist for New Age Retailer, and hosts Ask Sara with Sara Wiseman on Contact Talk Radio. She offers private intuitive consults and training.


Shelley is a Registered Psychotherapist, and Expressive Art Facilitator with strength for counseling women to express their deeper feelings and authentic life visions through art therapy and creative practices. She specializes in inspiring women to find their way into authenticity, self-reliance and passionate, purposeful living through honest and creative self-expression.

Shelley teaches online creative and spiritual practices worldwide. She has created hundreds of expressive art journals, collages, paintings, and drawings, and has developed many simple and profound healing processes for creative self-discovery, life purpose visioning, and spiritual healing.

The compassion, warmth, and depth of understanding she offers as a therapist comes from living, embodying, and moving through the process of spiritual awakening and creative visioning in her own life. Shelley shares her personal journey of creative and spiritual awakening with you in this course, as a lived illustration of how psychological problems can be healed through spiritual and creative practices.


Steffany Barton is a premier psychic medium, spiritual teacher and author who is highly sought after for her angel readings. Part of Steffany's mission is to demystify the spiritual and psychic arts. Through public demonstrations of her work as a medium, along with her classes and workshops, she works to provide individuals with spiritual experiences based in scientific fact. Steffany holds a degree as a Registered Nurse and is also certified in past life regression and hypnotherapy and is a Karuna Reiki Master. She is the author of two books: Wonder Wings and Angels Insight.


Arielle believes that finding true love is possible for anyone, at any age, and she points to herself as living proof. Married for the first time at age 44, she expanded on the set of skills that she used to launch her highly successful Public Relations firm, The Ford Group, and applied them to her love life. She is best known for helping to launch the careers of many best-selling self-help and spiritual authors including Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, Dean Ornish, Jon Gordon, Gary Zukav, Louise Hay, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame, and many others.


Rena Greenberg is the CEO of Wellness Seminars, Inc. She has conducted The Wellness Seminar for Weight Control using Hypnosis with Behavior Modification for over 100,000 people. Since 1990, Rena's program has been reviewed and sponsored by over 75 hospitals and over 100 major corporations, including Walt Disney World, Home Depot and AT&T.

Rena Greenberg is the Author of The Right Weigh: Six Steps to Permanent Weight Loss (Hay House Publishing 2006) and The Craving Cure: Break the Hold Carbs and Sweets Have on Your Life (McGraw-Hill 2007).

The success of her popular and effective wellness and weight loss program has been featured in over 125 national and local network television, newspaper and magazine stories.


Dr. Sherry Reiter is an award-winning educator and poetry therapist who is a perpetual student of the arts and psychology. She teaches at Touro College (Teacher of the Year, 2009) and Hofstra University. At The Creative Righting Center, she counsels and trains helping professionals to achieve poetry therapy certification, and a community of writers, therapists, and educators meet monthly in New York City. Her most recent book is "Writing Away the Demons: Stories of Creative Coping Through Transformative Language" (North Star Press, 2009). Her innovative methods include Poets-Behind-Bars, a long distance writing program for maximum security prisons, long-distance writing therapy, and the international mentoring of helping professionals.